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Holiday Heal & Chill Series: A little TLC + Free Holiday Self-Care Guide

The weather is changing. The wave of the pandemic is back and forth. There are still partial lockdowns. But then above all we are in “the most wonderful time of the year”, Right? The thing about this season is a little different. People are not being able to see all of their family or some are stuck in the house with people they may not want to be stuck with. We have had to learn to adjust to this new normal. Losing loved ones. Losing the life we knew. Stuck in the home for a majority of the year is the thing that strikes me most on how this holiday season may be different for many. It may be one that you may not be motivated to be in the holiday spirit, to cook, to host anyone or to even call it a holiday and that is okay.

But most important, take care of yourself during this Holiday season! It is important that we all practice self-care this time of year as we go into the season of slowing down, the season of reflection and the season where people are wondering about their goals for the new year. A lot comes with the holidays sometimes that's so heavy to unpack. We do not know where to start. Then, there comes sadness and there goes the blues. Processing our emotions and feelings are sometimes harder than we think. Facing the truth, the trauma and/or the past is even a different approach as we are going through the holidays. So, I definitely understand if you want to encourage you in whatever decision you make to heal and feel this holiday season, that you truly nurture your being. Whether that is taking 10 minutes of silence in your car before you walk in your home, or baking some cookies and enjoying them all to yourself. You deserve to love yourself and care for yourself more than ever. There is so much more to your healing this season! So, at least put some effort towards it. You got this!

So listen, we have got you equipped and packed with some exciting ideas to practice Self-Care during the Holidays in our special edition, Holiday Self-Care Workbook.

  • Self-Care Activities Bingo Game

  • Holiday Affirmations

  • Holiday Self Care Survival Checklist

  • Self-Care Reflection Pages

Check it out here! You will be able to get the free download via email. Yaaaaaay! But to get you started with a few ideas….here are some self-care activities to do NOW:

  • Plan out 1 hr-1 ½ to watch your favorite Christmas movie (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hallmark Channel Christmas movies!!)

  • Make a hot cocoa bar for family dinner.

  • Go grab your favorite holiday treat (even if it's one from your childhood) and make some time to just enjoy that treat honey!

  • Choose 10 minutes out of your day just to sit and do nothing. You can sit in complete silence or turn on your favorite songs!

Whatever you do , make it the best for you. You are the change you will see this holiday season if you put in the effort to enjoy. Take care of you. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you for the time you gave yourself to truly be in the present moment and look out for you!

Happy Holidays!

P.S. Don’t forget to grab your FREE Holiday Self-Care Guide!

Toni Simmons Husband

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